Remembering Peterloo

Incredible day at Peterloo March for Democracy in Manchester and a massive thank you to the organisers for putting together a blinder to remember the slaughter of Working Class men, women and children on the 16th August 1819.

I was running on empty after last night’s gig in Bradford and two hours kip, but I was soon energised by the trip to pick up Pauline Town and drop off donations from gigs up and down the land. When I arrived at 10.15am Big Sis had already made 50 sarnies for her homeless family. Puts things in perspective don’t it?

Great to march in with Ian Hodson, Sarah Woolley and Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union – BFAWU comrades, together with the amazing folks of Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign and the equally brilliant company of Lesbians and Gay Men Support the Miners. Our procession was so cool that if we hadn’t already been stopping the traffic, we would definitely have stopped the traffic πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Great to arrive in Albert Square in the shadow of Manchester’s incredible City Hall and see so many comrades from up and down the land. Special respect reserved for the Bolton comrades who had marched 12 miles with their banner to be there.

Loved speaking to so many brilliant people and singing from the FBU fire engine, looking out across a sea of smiling faces and banners.

Even the tiny number of fascists who shamelessly came to disrupt an event remembering the slaughter of people whose Class they claim to represent, couldn’t dampen proceedings. We all know if this was 1819 they would have been dressed in the uniform of the Yeomanry murdering for the rich instead of fighting for their own. Same as it ever was.

Right. Must sleep now.

Before I go though, as Pauline and me walked back to the car she stopped to buy a homeless man a sarnie and drink. She was 8 miles from home, way off anyone else’s beaten path, and yet she still knew him by name.

Proud to call her my friend.

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